Alves Fuels COVID-19 Statement

by Mar 17, 2020News

We continue to monitor the best way to support all of you and our team here at Alves Fuels.  We really believe our customers and team are an extension of our family and want to be sure you feel this when working with us.  We know we are all feeling this challenge of navigating unchartered territory together and want to thank you for continued patience.

Here is an update on our commitment to you and some helpful information as we all limit our in-person connections during this time.

Fuel Delivery 

We are continuing with our fuel delivery operations.  Given this service has no need for you to interact with our driver and is a critical need for your systems to keep running, we believe this continues to be a low risk service.

You can continue to call our office to order fuel or better, yet, you can continue to order online. We always post our fuel price daily on our website and you may find with lower prices, this is a good time to fill your tank.

Service & Installations 

We are confirming all existing appointments with our customers by calling in advance.  We will work with you to determine the best decision for your current appointment.

If you experience a service issue, here are some helpful questions to consider before calling for service.  These questions are always good to consider when deciding you need service.

– Have you run out of oil?

– Have you checked your switches to ensure nothing was inadvertently turned off? (e.g. circuit breaker or emergency switch with red plate)

– Have you checked (and replaced) your thermostat batteries?

– If you have steam heat, have you confirmed there is water in the boiler?

– Have you pushed your ‘reset’ button?

– Is this an oil leak or a water leak? (If so, call right away)

If you have checked these items and still have a leak, no heat or hot water, call our office and we will work with you to arrange a service appointment or solution.  Given the nature of these issues, we will determine the safest approach for all.

Office Hours

In order to limit contact and keep everyone safe, we are not accepting any visitors to the office.  You can continue to call in any payments via credit card, mail in your payment to the office or leave it in our mailbox outside.  

We will continue to answer all emails and calls during the day from 8AM – 4:30PM and provide our 24/7 emergency phone service after hours, should you need it.

As our plans change, we will continue to share updates with you.  As always, please message us with any feedback or concerns.  

Liz –  liz@alvesfuels

Joe – joe@alvesfuels

Thank you,

Liz & Joe Salvador

Alves Fuels